"His head is missing?" Michele asked. "Whose head?" When the answer turns out to be Blackbeard, the fiercest pirate of all, four kids set off on a real adventure in North Carolina's real pirate haunt port town of Bath. While struggling to recover a special prop and save an outdoor drama, the kids learn about the Golden Age of Piracy from Maine to Florida up and down the American coast. They also learn a lot of history, solve a mystery, meet a legend, and much more! They have a lot of Jolly Roger laughs! But do they find the treasure? Hmm, would they tell? Avast! This mystery is a treasure trove of fun!
LOOK what's in this mystery - people, places, history, and more!
Blackbeard's death • History of Bath, NC • Bath geography • History of Ned Teach a.k.a. Blackbeard • Amphitheaters • History of the Bonner family and Bonner's Point • History of the Palmer-Marsh House • Information on St. Thomas Church • Lustre • Pontipool • Mary Ormond, Blackbeard's wife • Legend of the Magic Horse Tracks • Sailors • Mirrors • Erosion • Bath Creek • Teach's Hole, Ocracoke Island, NC • Plum Point, Bath • Buzzard Inn, • Bath Public Library • St. Thomas Cemetery • Van Der Veer House • Magic Horse Tracks near Washington, NC.
Like all Carole Marsh Mysteries, this mystery incorporates history, geography, culture, and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, a built-in book club, and activities.
Below is the
Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 2-8
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.2
Accelerated Reader Points: 4
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 74560
Lexile Measure: 780
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40
Want a sneak peek?
Read the first three chapters HERE.
FREE resources for you!
1. Download the Carole Marsh Mysteries
Real Kids! Real Places! Correlations to Common Core/State Standards HERE.

2. Download the
Where Have You Been map

3. Utilize the
Real Kids! Real Places! Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA grades 2-6. This can be used for all 50 mysteries

4. Download additional activities including
Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussions and Book Club Activities HERE.

5. The corresponding
Teacher's Guide is a page-by-page supplementary resource that gives you additional activities to enhance the student's learning opportunities by using cross-curricular materials including discussion questions, reproducible vocabulary, science, geography and math activities. Click
HERE to purchase the
Teacher’s Guide.