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Two children, Harold and Elizabeth, live in a prison, a debtor's prison, to be exact. It is part of a large structure once known as the Atlanta Stockade. Their home is part of a large structure once known as the Atlanta Stockade, Although their stories take place more than 100 years apart, their lives are connected.
Both Harold and Elizabeth have been forced by circumstances to live in the prison “ because their families are poor and can't pay their bills.
Harold still has to go to school, but Elizabeth? We she spends her days haunting the halls of the building now called GlenCastle. Will she and Harold encounter one another? Will they share common ground in the past? In the present?
Based on a real place with a fascinating history! GlenCastle still stands in the Grant Park area of Atlanta, Georgia.
The Ghost of GlenCastle Prison incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that keep kids begging for more! Fun activities, built-in book club and SAT words are in each book.
Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 4-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.1
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 187149
Lexile Measure: 720
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: R
Developmental Assessment Level: 40

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