You are purchasing the School-wide eBook format of this mystery. School-wide eBooks are an easy, affordable, effective, and immediate way to supplement and expand your school library collection! School-wide eBooks are web-hosted digital eBooks that allow simultaneous online access for students and teachers for up to 5 years from the purchase date. Multiple users can log in at the same time, either from school or at home, by using a computer, tablet, or other device with internet access. They are available exclusively from Gallopade.
School-wide eBooks provide School Libraries high value at a low price!
- No lost books; No damaged books; No checking out; No checking in; No late returns
- No limits on availability - One login and password works for your whole school to access the same eBook at once!
- Projectable for electronic whiteboard use and allows multi-user access -- perfect for reading groups and whole-class reading assignments!
My Life As A Third Grade… is a fun series for elementary-age readers. This engaging story is from the perspective of the main character – a very likable, but slightly self-conscious, third grader! This charming, humorous, non-scary story subtly shares important messages on individuality, anti-bullying, and self-acceptance with candor, humor, and sensitivity. Full-cover illustrations have quirky humor and personality that will delight young readers! Fun for any age!
The three School-wide eBooks in this set include:
My Life As A Third Grade Zombie
My Life As A Third Grade Vampire
My Life As A Third Grade Werewolf