A Little Potty Never Hurt Nobody is the winner of the 2016 Tiillywig Toy Award for the Best Family Fun.
Potty training can be a daunting task - but with A Little Potty Never Hurt Nobody, parents, teachers and students can laugh together about it! Carole Marsh-Longmeyer uniquely embraces the themes of charm, joy, humor, loveliness, discovery and blessings which all shine through in this clever book.
A sweet, funny look at the challenge of potty training! Kids will enjoy the story and illustrations at home, in class, or while on their way to the potty! Ms. Bogus is determined to potty train her entire day care class – all at the same time! When she gives each child their very own little potty, the boys and girls know just what to do with them – everything, but what they are supposed to be used for!
When their frustrated teacher finally screeches, "A little Potty Never Hurt Nobody!" the kids get the idea!
The book also includes a potty song and success stickers that can be cut out to reward each child.
Great read-aloud at home or at school!
Below is the
Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Lexile Measure: 490
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 3.0
Accelerated Reader Points: .5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 173897
Fountas & Pinnell: H
Developmental Reading Assessment: 14