The Primary Sources series is the winner of the 2015 Academics' Choice Awards for the 2015 Smart Book Award in recognition of mind-building excellence.

Vietnam War Primary Sources is a pack of 20 primary sources. Each primary source pack includes historical documents, maps, photographs, political cartoons, lithographs, diagrams, letters in a mix of color and black-and-white, and sepia finishes and is printed on sturdy 8.5" X 11" cardstock.
Vietnam War Primary Sources Pack are just what teachers need to help students learn how to analyze primary sources in order to meet Common Core State Standards!
Students participate in active learning by creating their own interpretations of history using historical documents. Students make observations, generate questions, organize information and ideas, think analytically, write persuasively or informatively, and cite evidence to support their opinion, hypotheses, and conclusions. Students learn how to integrate and evaluate information to deepen their understanding of historical events. As a result, students experience a more relevant and meaningful learning experience.
Your students will:
• think critically and analytically, interpret events, and question various perspectives of history.
• participate in active learning by creating their own interpretations instead of memorizing facts and a writer's interpretations.
• integrate and evaluate information provided in diverse media formats to deepen their understanding of historical events.
• experience a more relevant and meaningful learning experience.
We have created a
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources to help you to teach primary sources more effectively and use creative strategies for integrating primary source materials into your classroom. This
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources is 15 pages. It includes teacher tools, student handouts, and student worksheets. Click
HERE to download the
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources.
The 20 documents in the
Vietnam War Primary Sources Pack are:
• Photograph of President Kennedy's news conference regarding the situation in Vietnam - 1961
• Photograph of U.S. Marine with a Viet Cong suspect during a search and clear operation - 1965
• Photograph of President Lyndon Johnson awarding the Distinguished Service Cross to First Lieutenant Marty A. Hammer in Vietnam - 1966
• Photograph of Vietnamese refugees riding in a U.S. helicopter on the way to a safe place near Saigon - 1966
• Photograph of U.S. Army helicopter airlifting soldiers to a new staging area - 1966
• Photograph of Australian soldiers with Labrador dogs (named Justin and Cassius) used for locating Viet Cong fighters and enemy installations - 1967
• Photograph of members of Navy Seal Team One in a Seal Team Assault Boat (STAB) on the Bassac River south of Saigon - 1967
• Photograph of Air Force nurse treating a Vietnamese child during Operation MED CAP, where military doctors and nurses traveled to villages to treat sick people and teach sanitation practices - 1967
• Photograph of protesters against the Vietnam War - 1967
• Photograph of infantryman being lowered into a tunnel during a search and destroy mission - the Viet Cong had an extensive system of underground complexes - 1967
• Photograph of soldiers decorating a small, live Christmas tree sent by a relative in the United States - 1968
• Condolence letter from President Lyndon Johnson to parents of a soldier killed in Vietnam - 1968
• Photograph of military staff carrying wounded serviceman arriving from Vietnam at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland - 1968
• Photograph of director of the Selective Service System turning the drum containing capsules of draft numbers at the annual draft lottery in Washington, D.C. - 1972
• Photograph of Viet Cong soldiers carrying an injured American POW from the hospital tent to a place where prisoners were exchanged - 1972
• Photographs depicting POW bracelet and POWs returning to America
• Map showing location of Hanoi prisons - created by ex-POW Mike McGrath - circa 1975
• Photograph of visitors to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall rubbing the name of a fallen soldier onto a piece of paper - 2003
• Photograph of military rations during Vietnam War - photo taken 2013 in Fort Devens Museum in Massachusetts
• Photograph of U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard folding the American flag over a casket bearing the remains of four men killed in the Vietnam War - during interment ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery - 2013