The Primary Sources series is the winner of the 2015 Academics' Choice Awards for the 2015 Smart Book Award in recognition of mind-building excellence.

U.S. Presidents Primary Sources is a pack of 20 primary source that are printed on sturdy 8.5" X 11" card stock.
We have created a
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources to help you to teach primary sources more effectively and use creative strategies for integrating primary source materials into your classroom. This
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources is 15 pages. It includes teacher tools, student handouts, and student worksheets. Click
HERE to download the
FREE Online Teacher's Guide for Primary Sources.
U.S. Presidents Primary Sources are just what teachers need to help students learn how to analyze primary sources in order to meet Common Core State Standards!
Students participate in active learning by creating their own interpretations of history using historical documents. Students make observations, generate questions, organize information and ideas, think analytically, write persuasively or informatively, and cite evidence to support their opinion, hypotheses, and conclusions. Students learn how to integrate and evaluate information to deepen their understanding of historical events. As a result, students experience a more relevant and meaningful learning experience.
The 20 documents in the
U.S. Presidents Primary Sources are:
1. Portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart - 1796
2. Engraving of President James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" - circa 1810
3. Copy of Thomas Jefferson's Decalogue of Canons - advice from President Jefferson on matters of conduct - 1825
4. Political cartoon featuring President Andrew Jackson as "King Andrew the First" - 1833
5. Photograph of President Abraham Lincoln at the Antietam battlefield - flanked by security detective Allan Pinkerton and Maj. General John McClernand -1862
6. Excerpt from writings of Frederick Grant (President Ulysses S. Grant's son) - 1864
7. Political cartoon depicting President Andrew Johnson vetoing a bill to renew the charter for the Freedmen's Bureau - 1866
8. Political cartoon depicting President Theodore Roosevelt refusing to shoot a bear - 1902
9. Political cartoon depicting Jingo, the "War Dog" howling at the door of President Woodrow Wilson - 1916
10. Photograph of President Calvin Coolidge with Osage members after signing the bill granting citizenship to Native Americans - 1924
11. Note from Franklin Roosevelt regarding leg braces for polio - 1926
12. Photograph of General Dwight D. Eisenhower with U.S. paratroopers the day before the D-Day invasion during WW II - 1944
13. Photograph of President Harry Truman with Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill at Potsdam Conference - 1945
14. Photograph of President John F. Kennedy and wife Jackie riding in the presidential limousine in Dallas, Texas, moments before he was shot - 1963
15. Photograph of Lyndon Johnson taking the oath of office on Air Force One after President Kennedy's assassination - 1963
16. Photograph of President Richard Nixon meeting the Chinese premier in Beijing during his historic visit to China - 1972
17. Photograph of President Jimmy Carter meeting Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton - 1978
18. Photographs showing attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan - 1981
19. Photograph of President George W. Bush speaking after terrorist attacks in New York City - September 2001
20. Photograph of President Barack Obama taking the presidential oath of office at his second inauguration - 2013
Your students will:
• think critically and analytically, interpret events, and question various perspectives of history.
• participate in active learning by creating their own interpretations instead of memorizing facts and a writer's interpretations.
• integrate and evaluate information provided in diverse media formats to deepen their understanding of historical events.
• experience a more relevant and meaningful learning experience.