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Mimi, Papa, Christina and Grant may have bitten off more than can chew when they decide to Canada - from one end to the other! Mysterious totem-pole clues lead them across the massive, magnificent country via a long black limo, a swank private jet, the mysterious
Ocean train, and even by dogsled!
Along the way, the kids meet two new Inuit friends to guide them - and giggle with! - as they get wet at Horseshoe Falls... touch the sky at CN Tower... meet a mysterious Mountie... and get into mischief at the Calgary Stampede! Overshadowing it all are those mysteriously beautiful lights in the sky. "Is the sky on fire?" Grant wants to know.
Hang on to your hat... and jump on board a mystery Canada - the second-largest country in the World!
Like all of Carole Marsh's Mysteries, this mystery will also incorporate history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery will include SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities.
Below is the
Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-8
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 4.4
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 167204
Lexile Measure: 670
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40
Want a sneak peak? Read the first three chapters

For additional resources, go to the Resources Tab. On the Resource Tab, you will find Common Core State Standards for Teachers, Where Have You Been map, additional activities including Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussion Questions and Book Club Activities, and the Around the World Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA.
FREE resources for you!
1. Download the Carole Marsh Mysteries
Around The World Correlations to Common Core/State Standards HERE.

2. Download the
Where in the World Have You Been map

3. Download additional activities including Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussion and Book Club Activities

4. Utilize the Around the World Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA grades 2-6. This can be used for all 19 mysteries