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The Cookie Thief Girl Scout Mystery
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 121707
ISBN: 978-0-635-12170-7
One kooky cookie factory! One delivery truck! One slimy rat! And lots of cookies! Equals one delicious adventure! Four Girl Scouts launch their annual cookie sale÷ and end up in a mystery full of fun, frights, and lots of cookie crumbs! A real "treat" to read!
Mammals – Common Core Lessons & Activities
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 106001
ISBN: 978-0-635-10600-1
Format: Paperback
You are purchasing the paperback format of this book. Are you expected to change how you teach because of new Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & new CCSS for Literacy and Writing in History/Social Studies and Science? Are you expected to continue to meet existing science and social studies standards, AND integrate new, more rigorous expectations for reading, writing, analysis, inference, and more into your daily instruction? The Mammals - Common Core Lessons and Activities book allows you to immediately meet new CCSS for English Language Arts, as well at Literacy and Writing in History/Social Studies. This ready-to-use reproducible book includes 24 pages of supplemental resources are just what you need to met the new added requirements of Common Core! Perfect for grades 3-12!
All About My State-Michigan FunPack (Pack of 30)
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 118486
ISBN: 978-0-635-11848-6
The All About My State-Michigan FunPack (Pack of 30) is a fun activity booklet that helps students discover facts about Michigan in a creative way! Students will love personalizing their cool art as they learn more about where they live and everything around them. Easy activities reinforce research skills and are a great project resource for the classroom. 
New Jersey Experience Teacher Set

Product Code: NJSTEA
Gallopade has created the New Jersey Teacher Set to make shopping easier for you AND at a fantastic price! The New Jersey Teacher Set has 14 products that include 10 books, a bingo game, a sticker pack, a CD, primary source documents and more. The New Jersey Teacher Set is discounted more than 20%! Order your New Jersey Teacher Set today.
List Price:$95.66
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Price: $95.66
Connecticut Bulletin Board Set
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 16753
ISBN: 978-0-635-01675-1
Format: Other printed item
Add Pizzazz to your classroom, hallway, bulletin board, wall or door! The Bulletin Board Set includes over 30 different pieces including the state bird, flag, tree and other state symbols plus original character art and colorful state photo postcards.
The Maryland Experience Sticker Pack!
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 97235
ISBN: 978-0-7933-9723-5
Format: Stickers
The Maryland Experience Sticker Pack includes images of Maryland's state flag, bird, flower, seal, insect, tree and more. There are 36 stickers per pack.
Minnesota History Projects - 30 Cool Activities, Crafts, Experiments & More for Kids to Do to Learn About Your State!
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 1792X
ISBN: 978-0-635-01792-5
Format: Paperback
The History Projects Book includes creating a cartoon panel to describe how your state name may have come about, creating a fort replica, making a state history museum, dressing up as a famous explorer and recreating the main discovery, and more!
The Ohio Experience
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 25043
ISBN: 978-0-635-02504-3
Format: Paperback
Learn about Ohio! This 56-page book includes history, geography, presidents, people, trivia and more! A "must-have" resource for every classroom! The Ohio Experience is a great way to teach students about Ohio! I'll bet you'll learn a thing or two that you didn't know about Ohio.
Virginia Experience Kindergarten Biography Readers Set

Product Code: VAKRS
The Interactive Write-in Readers Set for Kindergarten includes 30 each of 2 titles. Each reader is broken into short, easy-to-read information reinforced by simple activities. Each Reader includes a glossary, interesting facts, reading, puzzles, highlights of achievements, sequencing of important events, and simple math activities!
Bill Gates: Computer Software Entrepreneur
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 90430
ISBN: 978-0-635-09043-0
Format: Paperback
This Biography Reader is a one-of-a-kind curriculum supplement! This student resource is not your ordinary biography; it’s a little book packed with facts, trivia, and activities that promotes reading, writing and discussion! Correlates to state and national standards!
Michelle Obama: Dedicated to Family and Community
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 2862X
ISBN: 978-0-635-02862-4
Format: Paperback
Although Michelle Obama may be known as Barack Obama's wife, she has her own merits. She was a lawyer, worked in community service for Chicago and the University of Chicago. DID YOU KNOW?...That Michelle Obama's husband ran for U.S. President in 2008…The Michelle Obama used to be a lawyer…That Michelle Obama helps Chicago with community service… That Michelle Obama has two daughters?
African American History BIG Timeline
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 117663
ISBN: 978-0-635-11766-3
The African American History Timeline marks watershed events, pioneers, achievements and leaders from 1492 to 2015. The African American History Timeline is over 8 feet long and printed in the U.S.A. The timeline is colorfully illustrated with precise detail about the events and achievements. The African American History Timeline is graphically designed to intrigue students to want to learn more information! We ship our orders out fast (usually within 24 hours).
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