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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Super Civil Rights Leader
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 14777
ISBN: 978-0-635-01477-1
Format: Paperback
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most influential civil rights leader of his time. A minister and pacifist, Martin encouraged peaceful demonstrations to bring about change. America was forever impacted by this wonderful and brave leader!
Harriet Tubman: Moses of Her People
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 14807
ISBN: 978-0-635-01480-1
Format: Paperback
Harriet Tubman was one of the bravest Americans in history. At a young age, she knew slavery was wrong. She escaped and helped many others escape also. Her work didn't end there! She was important in the Civil War and the fight for women's rights. Harriet Tubman-an awesome American and abolitionist!
Rosa Parks: Mother of a Movement
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 14971
ISBN: 978-0-635-01497-9
Format: Paperback
Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist. She is best known for her bravery when she refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a white man. Little did she know what kind of massive movement that one small refusal would start!
Chief Powhatan: Powerful Native American Leader
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 1498X
ISBN: 978-0-635-01498-6
Format: Paperback
Chief Powhatan was the powerful ruler of the Powhatan Indians of Virginia. He commanded great respect and fear from his tribe. The interactions between the Powhatans and the Jamestown colonists were both productive and destructive. One of the most famous Powhatans was Pocahontas-Chief Powhatan's daughter.
Pocahontas: Legendary Indian Princess
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 15064
ISBN: 978-0-635-01506-8
Format: Paperback
Pocahontas was the legendary daughter of the powerful Chief Powhatan. She was brave as a child and young woman. Her curiosity about the English colonists led her to become an important part of their lives. She could very well be considered the first female American ambassador!

These popular readers include easy-to-read information, fun facts and trivia, humor, activities, and a whole lot more. They are great for ages 5-11 (grades K-5), because although simple, these readers have substance and really engage kids with their stories. They are great for social studies, meeting state and national curriculum standards, individual and group reading programs, centers, library programs, and have many other terrific educational uses. Get the Answer Key for the Quizzes! Click HERE.

Nat Turner: Anti-slavery Revolutionary
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 15307
ISBN: 978-0-635-01530-3
Format: Paperback
Nat Turner-the name evokes both fear and awe. Born and raised in slavery, Nat was part of a bloody slave uprising in Virginia. People have differing views of Nat Turner-some see him as a hero and some as a madman. Whatever the viewpoint, America has to admit that he impacted our history.
Ada Deer: Notable Native American
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 15420
ISBN: 978-0-635-01542-6
Format: Paperback
Ada Deer is a Menominee Indian. She made her mark in history when she was appointed the first female Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs in 1993. Always a champion of her tribe's cause, Ada Deer has an impressive record of success.
Vel Phillips: African American Politician
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 15536
ISBN: 978-0-635-01553-2
Format: Paperback
Vel Phillips is an amazing woman. She was the first African American (and woman) in many state government positions in Wisconsin. She fought tirelessly for civil rights . . . and succeeded. A true pioneer in Wisconsin's civil rights movement - Vel Phillips.
Mini-Timeline of Awesome African American Achievements and Events
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 15897
ISBN: 978-0-635-01589-1
Format: Other Printed Item
The Black Heritage series has updated content and a new look. This timeline of awesome African-American achievements and events will stimulate students' imagination to help them visualize important events in history!
The BIG Book of Hispanic Activities
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 21153
ISBN: 978-0-635-02115-1
Format: Paperback
Explore Hispanic history, geography, people, and culture through the many fun activities in this book! Kids will love the variety!
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Price: $14.99
Hispanic Trivia
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 21188
ISBN: 978-0-635-02118-2
Format: Paperback
This 32-page reproducible book incorporates history, social studies, science - and other subjects children study in school. The silly answers, that leave little doubt as to the correct answer, are designed to give the reader confidence in answering questions. The Hispanic Heritage experience shared in a fun format of multiple choice questions produces lots of, "I knew that!", "I didn't know that!", and "Tell me more!"
List Price:$9.99
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Price: $9.99
The Best Book of Hispanic Biographies
By author: Carole Marsh
Product Code: 21161
ISBN: 978-0-635-02116-8
Format: Paperback
This 32-page reproducible book includes the top 15 Hispanic Biographies in both English and Spanish. The contributions of Hispanic people have changed - and are changing! - the world! Meet them and learn who they are, what they did, and why it was so important. The "Can do" lives of the famous and just ordinary folks.
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