The Common Core Series is the 2014 winner of the Smart Book Award from Academics’ Choice.
You are purchasing the paperback version of this book. The Landforms Common Core Lessons and Activities Book allows you to immediately meet new Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, as well as Literacy and Writing in History/Social Studies. It is designed to supplement your Social Studies resources, adding new Common Core rigor, analysis, writing, inference, text-dependent questions, and more into your daily instruction.
How to Use the
Landforms - Common Core Lessons and Activities book:
• Work through the lessons and activities as a class to teach your students higher-order thinking, analysis, and 21st century skills necessary to meet new Common Core expectations.
• Allow students to work through the lessons independently to build and practice these new skills.
• Include technology, collaboration, presentations, and discussion in the activities as you desire - you can decide how in-depth to go.
• Watch your class develop new abilities to meet the rigor of Common Core State Standards, right before your eyes!
HERE to view sample pages from this book.
• Use some of the pages - or use them all - based on your grade, your students, your curriculum, and your needs.
• Use these pages at their current size, or if you prefer them to be 8.5" X 11", enlarge them 125% on your copy machine.
• To download the graphic organizers labeled "GO" in the Table of Contents click
• Use the correlations grid to easily see which Common Core standards are covered in each lesson.
Landforms - Common Core Lessons and Activities includes: • Reading for Information
• Higher-Order Thinking
• Writing Problems
• Primary Source Analysis
• Vocabulary
• Graphic Organizers
• Map Activities
• & More!
Here is the Table of Contents for the
Landforms - Common Core Lessons and Activities book:What Are Landforms?: Reading Informational Text
Continents & Oceans: Classifying Information
GO4Bumps and Dips: Reading Informational Text
Landforms: Research & Presentation
GDescribing Landforms: Main Idea
Describe It!: Compare & Contrast
G7Landform Regions of North America: Classifying Information
Earth's Moving Crust: Concepts & Processes
GO5The Landform Report: Graphic Organizer
GLandforms Created & Destroyed: Classifying Information
Mesas & Buttes: Ordering Events
Save the Beach!: Primary Source Analysis
Volcanoes: Reading Informational Text
In the Cascades: Interpreting Visual Information
Fault Lines & Earthquakes: Comparison of Sources
Human Activity & Landforms: Cause & Effect
GO5Land & Water Formations: Vocabulary
Common Core Correlation
G: Includes Graphic Organizer
GO: Graphic Organizer is also available 8.5" x 11" online download
(numbers above correspond to the graphic organizer numbers online)