What happens when you combine a great story and colorful illustrations? A reading adventure like no other ensues! Through visuals and “bite-size” text, readers of all ages and abilities can enjoy comics and graphic novels. With Comic Book Day (September 25) right around the corner, discover the joys — and benefits — of your child reading these books.
Drawings and illustrations have been used for centuries to tell stories, record history, and communicate ideas and political views. Political cartoons made their appearance in America with the publication of Benjamin Franklin's drawing “Join, or Die” in 1754, making it the first political cartoon to be printed in an American newspaper.[1] Decades later, illustrators took this same concept and drew comics.
Comics use panels of drawings that are accompanied by text, often appearing as speech bubbles, to tell a story. The first comic book, The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck, was published in 1837 and printed as a hardcover book in 1842.[2] Comic strips made their debut in newspapers in the 1890s. The comic “The Yellow Kid” by Richard Outcault is believed to be the first comic strip, and it was published in 1895 in New York World.[3]
Other newspapers caught on to the idea of publishing comic strips, and by the 1930s, entire sections of newspapers were devoted to comics. These comics featured a range of characters, from superheroes to detectives to talking animals. As the audience and demand grew, so did the medium: graphic novels. The term “graphic novels” was coined by Richard Kyle in 1964 to describe books that use panels of art and words in a sequential order to tell a story.[4] Today, graphic novels are a huge market for readers of all ages and reading levels.
Onomatopoeia (words that imitate sounds) is used frequently in comics and graphic novels to describe a character’s action. Words like POW!, WHAM! and SPLAT! help young readers connect the words on the page to the activity in the story — plus, they’re fun to read out loud!
Carole Marsh, author of the James Bone – 007 Years-Old – Licensed to Dig graphic novel series, explains, “Studies have shown that kids love dramatic visuals and will read the 'sound bites' that explain the action. It is an incredible eye-opener for readers this age to manage a book from start to finish in a short time and realize, 'I can read a whole book!'"
The ability to read an entire book can boost a child’s confidence, especially if they are struggling with reading. Since comics and graphic novels have fewer pages than traditional books, there’s less space for text. This can help a reluctant reader feel less overwhelmed by the number of words on a page. By reading one panel at a time, readers can focus on just that chunk of text before moving on to the next panel.
A study conducted by the MinneTESOL Journal found that students who read a graphic novel versus a traditional novel scored higher in both reading comprehension and memory recall.[5] Readers can visualize what they are reading and make connections between the text and the illustrations. This helps them “make inferences and synthesize information,” according to Leslie Morrison from Northwestern University Center for Talent Development.[6]
You don’t have to wear a cape and have superpowers to be your child’s biggest hero! Taking the time to enjoy comics and graphic novels together can make a lasting impression on your child. Here are a few ways to celebrate Comic Book Day and enjoy graphic novels and comics year-round.
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________________Sources:[1] Bellis, Mary. “The Colorful History of Comic Books and Newspaper Cartoon Strips.” ThoughtCo, 2019 November 26, https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-comic-books-1991480. Accessed 20 September 2022.
[2] “National Comic Book Day.” National Day Calendar, https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-comic-book-day-september-25-2/. Accessed 20 September 2022.
[3] Bellis, Mary. “The Colorful History of Comic Books and Newspaper Cartoon Strips.” ThoughtCo, 2019 November 26, https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-comic-books-1991480. Accessed 20 September 2022.
[4] Grey, Orrin. “What exactly are graphic novels, and where did the term originate?” The Portalist, 2021 December 29, https://theportalist.com/history-of-graphic-novels. Accessed 20 September 2022.
[5] Meuer, Stephen. “Reading Comprehension through Graphic Novels: How Comic Books and Graphic Novels.” MinneTESOL Journal, 34(2) Fall 2018, https://minnetesoljournal.org/journal-archive/mtj-2018-2/reading-comprehension-through-graphic-novels-how-comic-books-and-graphic-novels-can-help-language-learners/#:~:text=A%20graphic%20novel's%20ability%20to,comprehension%20(Eisner%2C%201998). Accessed 21 September 2022.
[6] Morrison, Leslie. “The Research Behind Graphic Novels and Young Learners.” Northwestern University Center for Talent Development, 13 April 2017, https://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/blog/research-behind-graphic-novels-and-young-learners. Accessed 21 September 2022.