PUBLISHED: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 by Abbi Schelkopf



Creating a Productive Virtual Learning Environment

This school year looks a bit different than any other in history. With the spread of Covid-19 continuing to affect vulnerable populations, some schools have chosen virtual learning or hybrid learning classrooms. As parents, we wonder, "how can I contribute to my child's new learning experience?" There are many ways to make sure your child is engaged in learning and advancing while at home.

Gallopade is here to help wherever learning happens! Here are some tips we think will positively impact your child's virtual learning experience at home.

Reduce Distractions - Students use cell phones to stay virtually connected, but non-educational technology should be limited and monitored during school hours. The best way to approach this new period is to treat it as if the student is learning in a classroom and only use cellphones during break times. Removing distractions will help keep your child focused on the task at hand rather than tik tok and television. 

Brain Breaks - It is essential to allow your child to have brain breaks during the day. Like in a typical school day, your student should work on a topic for about 45 minutes with a 10-minute break between subjects to allow them to switch gears, get water, and prepare for the next assignment.

Get Organized - Have all the materials for the day in a designated learning area. There should be a place in the house dedicated to learning that is stocked with essential school supplies like pencils, notebook paper, and a computer with a charger. Avoid allowing your students to work from their bedrooms or on the couch. Students perform better in a structured and organized environment. 

Encouragement + Positive feedback - With all that is happening right now, things are weird for students! They are just as, if not more, confused about the status of the world as the adults. The best way to approach this unprecedented year is with encouragement and positivity. Establish a clear line of communication with your student's teacher. Many children miss reassurance and reinforcement from teachers. Stickers, checkmarks, and comments go a long way with younger learners. Reward them for their efforts to keep them feeling encouraged and supported.

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Thank you for all of your efforts to support students and families during this uncertain time. Stay healthy!