absentee ballot: used to vote when someone cannot physically be at the polling place on election day
amendment: a change to the U.S. Constitution
ballot: a sheet of paper, cardboard card, or electronic instrument used to cast a vote
bill: a proposed law
bipartisan: supported by both political parties
campaign: a race between candidates for elective office
caucus: a meeting of members of a political party, usually to appoint representatives to party positions
coalition: an alliance of people or political parties
Congress: legislative body of the United States
conservative: someone preferring traditional values and views
constituent: a person represented by an elected official
delegate: one sent to act as a representative for a group
democracy: government in which the people hold the ruling power
enfranchise: to grant the vote to
lame duck: an elected official still in office who has not been reelected for another term, or who is resigning at the end of the term
grass roots: the common people at a local level
incumbent: someone currently holding an office
liberal: someone preferring change and social programs to help lower classes in society
nominate: to name as a candidate for an election
partisan: devoted to a cause or a party
petition: a written request signed by many people demanding an action from an authority or government
platform: a document stating the aims and principles of a political party
poll: the place where votes are cast and registered, or a survey of the public
primary: an election for choosing the candidates who will run in the final election
veto: to prevent a bill from becoming law


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Peachtree City GA 30269
Phone: 800-536-2438
Fax: 800-871-2979